Tom Joyner to have Hip Surgery


Radio Facts:  width=Tom stated on his blog…

“My last day on the air will be Thursday, Dec. 8, and my hip surgery will take place on Friday, Dec. 9th. After the operation, I travel to Jamaica to recover and rehab for two weeks at an awesome private villa, surrounded by family, friends and a physical therapist. I’ll be back in the big chair on Monday, Jan. 2. I will be on a walker for a while, and then a cane. After about six weeks, I’ll be ready to party full tilt.
Skip Murphy will be in the big chair, with Sybil and J., while I’m gone. Treat him well!”


  1. Tom,
    Praying for a speedy and complete recovery. You will be missed but know you have competent people that can walk in your shoes for a bit.


  2. Tom,aka “Mr.Joyner”,aka “The Hardest Working Man in Radio”
    Please get well soon. We’ll miss you as we enjoy your very competent replacement choice. Our prayers are with you and your family. God Bless and take good care. Love ya now,xoxo


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