Mass Petition Demanding Oxyen Media Cancel Shawty Lo’s “All My Babies’ Mamas”

shawty lo, all my babies mamasA black woman named Sabrina Lamb is spearheading a campaign to have Shawty Lo’s “All My Babies’ Mamas immediately canceled from the airwaves. The show which depicts the rapper’s many children and their mothers (9 or 10 mothers) centers around the entire family organizing under one roof, it appears, with one of the babies’ mamas E’crea (pronounced Eeecreeya) as the lead BM who helps the other BM’s get money and whatever they need to take care of their children from Shawty Lo. Several blacks from various media outlets were shocked that a show like this could actually be considered to air on the network and its been the brunt of bad jokes for several weeks now. Lamb has gotten almost 6000 signatures thus far to present to the network to cancel what she considers to be a degrading show for black women, men and children. The address of the petition for is here Lamb’s letter is below…

To:Jason Klarman, PresidentCameron Blanchard, OxygenCori Abraham, Senior Vice PresidentOxygen Media, Electus and DiGa Vision, Ben Silverman, PresidentRod Aissa, Senior Vice President of DevelopmentFrom: Concerned Citizens Who Cherish ChildrenENOUGH IS ENOUGH!As dysfunctional and violent as so-called reality shows are, could you ever imagine a one hour spectacle where 11 children are forced to witness their 10 unwed mothers clamor for financial support, emotional attention and sexual reward from rapper Shawty-Lo, the childish, roaming “Ëœfather’?Could you imagine that Oxygen Media,…From: Concerned Citizens Who Cherish ChildrenENOUGH IS ENOUGH!As dysfunctional and violent as so-called reality shows are, could you ever imagine a one hour spectacle where 11 children are forced to witness their 10 unwed mothers clamor for financial support, emotional attention and sexual reward from rapper Shawty-Lo, the childish, roaming “Ëœfather’?Could you imagine that Oxygen Media, (known for violent programming targeting young women with stereotypical and gender-biased images), would sanction the embarrassment that these children would experience, as commercially-sponsored entertainment?Could you imagine that Oxygen Media, would use a slur against mothers, fathers and children and entitle this debacle, “All My Babies’ Mamas”? Cori Abraham, Oxygen Media, Senior Vice President of Development wrote in a press release: “¦..over-the-top moments that our young, diverse female audience can “tweet and gossip” about”¦.leaving the man of the house to split his affection multiple ways while trying to create order”¦ but “sharing your man” with several opinionated women is bound to create issues.”Tragically, this day has come.What is the difference between this train wreck and the other reality trash which clog the airwaves?THE INNOCENT CHILDREN!….OUR CHILDREN!And it is these children…our children who will hold all of us accountable by allowing them to be exploited, internationally, in this manner. Our children will suffer from this negativity and need someone like you to stand up for them and say:ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!What You Can Do?Sign today to tell Oxygen that their viewers will not tolerate a show that exploits and stereotypes Black children and families; while stripping their humanity! We will boycott any advertiser who chooses to support the show.Join,, The Mo’Kelly Report/The Mo’Kelly Show,, Ulysses “Butch” Slaughter of The Odyssey Project and other influential individuals like YOU…by signing this petition. Please forward to your friends, family and colleagues. And make sure that everyone in your household stands up!With your voice…this ugliness will not see international airwaves.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!


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