10 Things We can ALL Learn from Tavis Smiley


Don't Bite the White Hands you Need to Feed You

Tavis' pro stance over years have left him in a uncomfortable position. He now needs the of those he previously attacked WITHOUT a black platform. He is a GREAT at PBS with mostly white guests. Tavis' interviewing style is much more subdued and less opinionated and he does a great . We were informed that Tavis has to raise millions for the to run so he has a vested interest in not ruffling any feathers in this situation. Out of all that we have seen him do, he is BEST at the PBS gig.


  1. I side with Tavis. Tom Joyner, Al Sharpton and Steve Harvey are the sell outs. Al used to to criticise the President but has since beeen co-opted. Maybe when he changed his hairdo it changed more than his locks. Steve is a comedienne, propped up by ghost writers nuff said. Tavis raises real issues. It’s just sad our President is black and the recipient of his harsh but true criticism. We need to stand for truth and not popularity or ratings or money. If we would support truth tellrs then they would not have to bow to media moguls and in teh end true voices could be heard vice media and radio talking heads.


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