10 Actual Changes That Happened to Fight Racism Since the Murder of George Floyd


As off now, we are still waiting on the officers who shot and killed to be arrested. A Grand Jury is currently meeting to determine their fate but at least the has been compensated via a settlement of $12 Million. There isn’t enough money to make up for that atrocity or any of the atrocities commited against Black people and other people of color in this courntry. and systemic racism still run rampant in this country and it truly needs to end.

Black people and other people across the globe are just sick of it as evidenced by the uprising that took place after the graphic murder of when officer Chauvin arrogantly placed a knee to his neck. That same proverbial knee has been on the necks for Black people since the inception of this country but as Sam Cooke famously sang, “A Change is Gonna Come.” The question at hand is, have we truly started to see that change? Some with argue that we have and others will argue that we have not, however, no one can deny that these changes. While we still have a long way to go, these are a few of the most significant changes that have occured since the murder of George Floyd.


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