10 things to do BY 35 You’ll be GLAD you did at 50!


Find Older People who are ALREADY Successful at what you want to do


There’s a saying ‘everything lost can be found again, except wasted time.’ While it is okay to hang out with your friends and experience life together, imagine the time, pain, money and frustration you can save by avoiding the pitfalls and hard-core life lessons. The best way to do that is to find older people who are already successful in doing what you want to do.

As people get older, they often feel a need to give back especially after the age of 45 or 50. There are also others who become even more selfish and sinister at that point wanting to hold on to what they have at all cost. These, of course, are the people you want to avoid.  Follow your gut, however, if you can find those who don’t mind going out to lunch with you and, giving you some great advice via letting you know about the mistakes they’ve made as well as their successes or even resources, that information is invaluable. In addition, if they are wise, they are benefiting from the relationship too.  Working in a progressive industry like music, you would be an idiot not to surround yourself with younger people It helps you to stay abreast on current trends. If you’re lucky, sometimes a mentor will find you but it’s rare because if they are still working they are probably too busy. So the onus is on you to find them. I would suggest at least three people male and female and I would suggest finding people who are currently working in your industry.


  1. Really nice article, great advice. Being in the over 35 but under 50 range and still pursuing an entertainment career can be tough at times but it’s in my heart to keep going. Thanks Kevin!!

  2. I arrived at this site accidentally while researching for a radio station to send my first single for airplay. I am glad that I found this site and that I took the time to read the whole article. This article is very encouraging. It also reinforced my efforts for career change and to diversify my skills and abilities although I am over 35. It is well intended and well written. My sincere thank you to Kevin Ross for caring and sharing. I am an emerging independent singer/songwriter wanting an airplay for my first single.

    My regards,
    Charity Ekeke


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