Radio Facts 10 Best Black Radio DJs of All Time


#1 Frankie Crocker

radio facts,radio djs,urban adult,Urban Radio,
urban radio personalities, rap radio stations,r&b radio station, hip hop music radio, black female singers

I am happy that the Number 1 Top DJ of all time if from my hometown of Buffalo, N.Y. When Frankie was on WUFO in the ’60s (early 70s) I was too young to remember him but I remember hearing his name years after he left. Buffalo N.Y. may not be the place that people want to move to today but back in the 50s, 60s and early 70s…

Buffalo WAS the place everyone from the south moved to. There was a ton of great paying jobs at the Steel Plants and the entertainment scene was bustling for a small town like t hat. WUFO, Frankie’s Buffalo station, was all the rage as the AM station with some of the greatest black Radio DJs in the world coming through those doors. Frankie’s success catapulted when he went to work in NY after leaving Buffalo, most notably WBLS. I had the great pleasure of meeting Frankie on 2 occasions during my industry tenure.

Frankie left NY in the late 90s and spent a lot of his retirement time between LA and Miami to take it easy but he could always be found on the golf course in either place.

A huge part of Frankie’s success was not only his undeniable talent but his ability to step outside the “urban radio box” and mix, mingle and market himself with people from all walks of life.


  1. Growing up in Detroit, I went to school with Donnie Simpson, who was also known as “The Love Bug” but I think you missed including a woman perhaps more influential than Donnie who was on WJLB at the same time. Martha Jean “The Queen!” I will NEVER forget the Queen on the air during the Detroit Riots in ’67 urging citizens “Go back to your homes! There is nothing for you in the Streets!” I get chills remembering her, and wonder if there are any airchecks of those chilling days. Martha Jean will always be the epitome of what urban Community Radio is all about. The soul and the Mother of the Community.


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