The 10 Best UNSUNG Episodes So Far…


 Vesta Williams

What made this episode so great was how it was produced just a few months after her death. The producers and writers managed to make the episode a celebration of her career instead of a morose tribute to all that she did not achieve. It’s was evident that she was in very high spirits about the episode and the last thing on her mind was that she would not be around to see the show premiere. Just lets you know that life truly is short.


  1. I love unsung. However, some of the 80’s artist/ groups are weak. I would love to see the pointer sisters. The 70’s have a more diversity style of sound.

  2. Sorry the Spinners, Shalamar and the ones from kid and play movies…
    You know the ones that brought out lisa lisa and cult jam they all should have made this list


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