The scope and far-reaching impact of the national emergency now underway are unprecedented. It has become clear that if we are to keep our communities intact, we must all pitch in to do our part to help those in need.
That’s why the Indianapolis stations of Radio One (an Urban One, Inc. company) have committed to air 10,000 Public Service Announcements (PSAs) across its six (6) stations to assist local community service organizations. As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues, we want to make sure we are using our voices as broadcasters responsibly and are helping our local organizations get their messages out to the communities they serve and those in need.
To qualify for the 10,000 PSAs that Radio One Indianapolis is donating, the PSAs must be community-driven, diverse in nature, and contain resources and information that will serve the public well.
Radio One Indianapolis Regional Vice President, Deon Levingston stated, “Radio One Indianapolis has the most diverse listening audience in Central Indiana. We reach over 500,000 people weekly, across platforms ranging from R & B, Hip-Hop, Gospel, Regional Mexican, to Top 40. Our overall goal is to make sure our wide range of listeners have the necessary information and tools they’ll need to help navigate this crisis.”
If you are a non-profit or area business that is offering employment, housing, food or other related services, please email your information to Tina Cosby at
The PSAs will air across all the Indianapolis Radio One brands – WHHH-FM (Hot 96.3), WNOW-FM (Radio Now 100.9), WNOW–HD3 (La Grande 105.1), WTLC-AM (The Light) and WTLC-FM (WTLC 106.7) and Telemundo 19 Indy.