Best Headphone Brands No Celebrity Endorsements Radio Facts Pics


Denon AH-D600 – $298.00

These headphones really knock but the overall sound quality is a bit muddy but if you are listening to some old school Miami bass music, please be prepared to be blown away. The overall style is pretty standard but still nice.


  1. Really, Beats? They are nothing more than an overpriced necklace. Any self-respecting individual would avoid this horrible list.

  2. Really? NONE OF THESE come even close to a good pair of studio headphones like SHURE or something…..maybe the Steinhauser are good for listening to music in general, but nothing beats a good studio mic for real sound. They all look like overpriced “Cool toys” to me. Sorry gotta disagree…these are rated by what someone thinks is cool…not real quality sound…in my opinion.


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