Former Radio Host and White Nationalist Found Guilty of Threatening to Rape a Man’s Wife


Christopher Cantwell, also known as The Crying Nazi is a self-proclaimed white nationalist. Others view him as an American neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, and federal informant. He gained some form of stardom during a deadly 2017 Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Things are not going to well for Mr. Cantwell as he was found guilty Monday by a federal jury of threatening to rape the wife of a man who was part of a racist group he felt was harassing and bullying him.

Christopher Cantwell, who was born in the state of New York but currently resides in New Hampshire co-hosted the anarcho-capitalist radio show Free Talk Live but was suspended in 2015 after tweeting a racial slur against an African American. He also has several arrests on his record but his most significant and most recent crime was being found guilty of extortion and threatening to injure property or reputation but not guilty of cyberstalking related to a series of threats he made toward a Missouri man over the Telegram messaging app.

Cantwell was arrested in January on federal charges and had pleaded not guilty. Cantwell faces up to 22 years in prison and will be sentenced Jan. 4. He will remain in Strafford County jail.

In a true White on White crime saga, officials say Cantwell used the Telegram messaging app to verbally threaten a man last year by telling him he would rape his wife if he didn’t give up information about the leader of a white supremacist group of which the man was a member. We don’t know who the man is and authorities are keeping it that way to protect his indentity.

Cantwell is also accused of threatening to expose the man’s identity and warning “you will lose everything you have” if he didn’t provide the personal details about the leader of the Bowl Patrol. And of course, this Bowl Patrol name was inspired by the haircut of Dylann Roof, who was taken to Burger King to get something to eat by the police who arrested him prior to him being sentenced to death for fatally shooting nine Black church members during a Bible study session in Charleston, South Carolina.

Cantwell previously pleaded guilty to assault in 2018 after he was accused of using pepper spray during a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in 2017. He didn’t serve additional jail time but was barred from Virginia for five years.


  1. When did we become Anarcho-Capitalist? I think just plain ole’ libertarian is a better way to describe the show, but thank you for mentioning that he was fired from FTL before he became a full-on bigot.

  2. When did we become Anarcho-Capitalist? I think just plain ole’ libertarian is a better way to describe the show, but thank you for mentioning that he was fired from FTL before he became a full-on bigot.


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