Was watching  a vid with Charlamagne the other day, why do industry people get mad at me for talking him up? Is he a threat? He is only 29! At any rate, Charlamagne, while not having a lot of urban radio experience is pretty wise beyond his years and he was talking about the dream deferred for the black Radio DJ, who thinks he can rise to the stars when he or she starts out in urban radio but learns too late it’s probably not going to happen (laugh). When I started in radio there was a mass exodus of old ass black Radio DJs. So I didn’t have anyone to tell me, “Don’t fall for the bullsh… young en, get out if you are not where you want to be by the time you are 30 chile.” I thought I was starting late at 23 and quit my job making $700 a week as a waiter at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta in 1985.  I should have learned my lesson after working for Dorothy Brunson at WIGO in Atlanta. My salary went from $700 a week to $210 a MONTH doing overnights. WIGO was the very first station I worked for (and almost the last). Dorothy was a mean and bitter woman, I am being very kind when I describe her like that. I’ve heard her called many other things (laugh). I don’t even know if she is still alive but when you said good morning to her, you were lucky if she grunted back (laugh). I ran into so many more of her during my tenure and I did get out by the time I was 32 and started the magazine Radio Facts . But I see so many Radio DJs well into their 40’s who are either waiting for a break or they have given up and are just glad to come into the radio factory each day.
Yesterday I was reading a story on Ryan Seacrest signing a fooking 4o million dollar deal and he is 34. Wendy Williams just got her own TV show at 45. Ryan has been doing TV for damn near 10 years now and got his first big break when he was half of Wendy’s age. This is probably why I have such issues with old ass rich black Radio DJs (laugh). I mean it’s OK to make your money but bring a new talent along for a part of the ride you greedy motha fookas. You can’t die and take this sh… with you and bringing your family members into the fold DOES NOT COUNT. They have not paid any dues. You could utilize that young unknown talent to open up doors for yourself and your boring ass shows and eventually urban radio IS going to realize the advantage of having local talent again if they want to stay alive…. Sh… , I give up. I’m in this fight by myself. I’m going to the gym to go swimming. Motha fook this.
Great observations, Kevin. You’re talking about me, but hopefully things will change for the better and stations WILL discover that LOCAL TALENT is a benefit, no matter what age or color you are. Knowing the streets of the city in which you work the airwaves really is an advantage to the people listening. Yeah, Kev, I understand your frustration, believe me, I share it. God bless you for keeping RFFocus going. I was there when you started it. I still have some paper versions. Reading your article has been a serious REALITY CHECK!