X107.5 & UFC Fight Holiday Hunger


The 1stAnnual X107. 5 and UFC Fight Holiday Hunger event will be taking place onWednesday and Thursday December 15th and 16th at Walmarton 7200 Arroyo Crossing Parkway Las Vegas , NV 89113 from 6:00AM-6:00PM both days. This event is in conjunction with the local non-profit, Three Square Food Bankand will benefit the nearly 250,000 Southern Nevadans currently struggling with hunger.

We will be collecting canned soup, cannedmeats, canned beans, canned vegetables, canned entrees, rice, cereals, mealstretchers, pasta, peanut butter, tuna fish, etc. along with accepting cash andcheck donations. Dave Farra and Jason “Mahoney”Gentry of the Dave and Mahoney Morning Show on X107.

5 will be hosting the eventalong with broadcasting and collecting food from inside of an official UFCOctagon set up in front of Walmart. With special guests including UFC fightersand local and national celebrities we expect the Las Vegas community to fully embrace andsupport this incredibly worthy cause. Three Square is thevalley’s food hub; a central location where donated and rescued food canbe collected and distributed.

They provide bakery, produce, dairy,non-perishable products and ready-to-eat meals to non-profit and faith-basedorganizations. They also facilitate childhood and senior nutrition programs. Itis a place for members of the community to meet, serve and collaborate as part ofthe food solution.

Thank you to oursponsors UFC, Walmart, Three Square and Steve’s Frozen Chillers. The event is producedby CBS radio stations X107. 5 KXTE in Las Vegas .

For more information log onto www. x1075lasvegas. comand click onto the X1075 and UFC Fight Holiday Hunger page.


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