The Industry Dot Biz PODCAST: Putting Together the BEST Team for a Project


    One Flat Tire can Destroy the Vehicle

    There is nothing better than having right team for whatever project that you’re on it helps Drive the vehicle. But having the wrong team can drive your vehicle off a cliff or crashing into an 18 wheeler while you are trying to tend to the whiny and needy people in the backseat.Two things that it took me a really long to grasp is: it’s never wise to hire people who think that working is not their thing … and the economy is not to blame for some people not working, it’s their attitude, lack of drive and and negatively. It’s not that they can’t find work nobody wants to work WITH them. Also, there are lazy, negative and insecure people from all walks of but the greater your pool the greater your chances for . Never limit yourself.Once you map out exactly what you want to do with your… (listen to the  below)Download this episode (right click and save)

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