Scarface Pretty Much Says Hip-Hop is Controlled by Whites and He Hates It! Are Blacks to Blame?


    Scarface, who was once part of the legendary rap group, Geto Boys, then went on to be a record label executive for Def Jam understands the culture of hip-hop music and the music business from an inside perspective.  The legend even recorded a song with Nas on DJ Khaled’s last project called, “Hip-Hop.” In Scarface’s epic verse he says,”And if I cry two tears for her/That will be the most that I would give to her/ She left me stranded in my nightmares..” The her he is referring to is Hip-Hop and how he has a love/hate relationship with her. In a recent interview with HardKnock TV backstage at the Paid Dues festival in San Bernadino, Scarface dropped a few powerful quotes regarding hip-hop music and who has control over it and how much he hates it. (see video below)


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