OH NO: Flo Rida Censored by American Idol for Promoting WHAT?


    What did Flo rida say Wednesday night to get censored on “American Idol”? It was widely expected that Flo rida would be censored last night for his suggestive and controversial lyrics, but that wasn’t the case. It was during Ryan Seacreast’s interview that the rapper was silenced. According to sources, the show hit the censor button for a few seconds when Flo rida was plugging the website www.mycontent.com. A new and emerging social network for artists, musicians and filmmakers, mycontent.com has been creating some buzz within the industry.Only two weeks ago, mycontent.com filmed a live album release party from Miami Beach, debuting the (Poe Boy/Atlantic) release of Flo Rida’s second CD, R.O.O.T.S. The broadcast, titled “1 World 1 Flo,” granted fans worldwide access to the party, allowing them to view exclusive red carpet arrivals, celebrity interviews, backstage footage and a live performance by Flo rida. “We’re still a bit shocked to hear our site warranted censorship from ‘American Idol,” said Jonah Ninger, CEO and co-founder of mycontent.com. “For now, we’re going to keep our focus on helping artists like Flo rida and getting the site ready for launch this summer.” “Censoring explicit lyrics for television and requiring ‘clean versions’ of a song from artists and their labels is nothing new, but censoring an artist for promoting his music takes censorship to new heights,” added Cassand ra Mills, president of Music & Entertainment for mycontent.com. [source]


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