A shocking story has emerged from the UK, where a dog named Coco became addicted to alcohol after consuming leftover drinks left out by his former owner.
Reports indicate that the 2-year-old Labrador mix’s addiction to alcohol resulted in changes in his behavior, including aggression and restlessness.
Coco and another dog were handed over to the Woodside Animal Rescue Trust after their owner died. After arriving, both dogs reportedly became very unwell.
In a Facebook post publid by the organization, it was revealed that the dogs were repeatedly having fits of unusual behavior. Luckily, a vet was on site at the time and was able to administer emergency care. Though, despite their best efforts, Coco’s canine friend sadly passed away.
“After arriving with his canine pal following the death of his owner, he and his companion became quickly unwell. Coco’s friend was repeatedly fitting and soon after Coco also started to fit. Thankfully a vet was on site at the time and was able to administer emergency care but sadly Coco’s friend passed away despite our best efforts.”
Woodside Animal Rescue Trust in Plymouth, UK
In the following weeks, Coco continued to be seriously unwell and required round-the-clock care, spending four weeks sedated to help with his withdrawal symptoms and to reduce the risk of further fits.
Fortunately, the organization was able to provide Coco with the necessary medical care and the chocolate lab mix was able to make a full recovery.
“We are so thankful that we are now out of danger and Coco is off all medication and is now starting to behave like a normal dog,” the organization wrote in regards to Coco’s current state.
“He is not yet ready for adoption and whilst physically he seems to have recovered, mentally he is still very anxious at times. Having the Dunroamin Unit has meant he has been able to be cared for in a more homely environment and away from the main kennels. This has most certainly made a difference to his recovery and overall wellbeing.”
The story of Coco may come as a shock to pet owners, however, it serves as a stark reminder of the importance of responsible pet ownership and the potential hazards of leaving harmful substances within a pet’s reach.