Anonymous Black Label Exec who Wrote about Racism at the Labels, Comes Forth


    KUDOS to brave in our who speak up and speak out in a way that EXTENDS conversations within the culture but for ALL to hear and see. I used to get really pissed when people showed their support to white-owned industry trades like or Music Worldwide for issues or pertaining to Black Industry people over because we didn’t get this letter but I get it, this letter has a much greater reach in Billboard than it would in which targets the Black Music industry.

    Ironically, we hear massive complaints about racism about many of the white industry that black industry people support but what’s important is watching and seeing the organization who are IGNORING what we are witnessing in the industry right now when it comes to Black music. So KUDOS to Billboard and Worldwide. Now let’s look at their executive team pages on their sites. Here’s the that Ray Daniels wrote.

    Anonymous Black Label
    photo credit: Carrington Tucker
    Raymond Daniels


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