100.3 The Beat/Philly Makes Changes… picks up the pace



    Philadelphia, PA. – On Sunday, January 11, 2009 WPHI, 100.3 The Beat will pick up the pace every evening at 10:00 PM Sunday thru Thursday. In a bold move 100.3 The Beat will no longer slow down the music at 10:00 PM like many of its Philadelphia competitors. The mission is to be younger, more vibrant, interactive, and up beat without ignoring the strong R&B ballads.Night Show host Kendra G and DJ Touchtone have gone their separate ways. DJ Touchtone will now host his very own show “The Touchdown with DJ Touchtone “hit the air Sunday, January 11 at 10:00 PM. The follow evening at 6:00 PM “Live with Kendra G “will kick off and feature a daily mix from DJ Mil Matik.This move was not possible without some subtraction. The nightly R&B based show “Loveland “will no longer air on WPHI, 100.3 The Beat. WPHI Operations Manager, Elroy Smith says this about the line up change, “This is a very exciting and competitive time for 100.3 The Beat. Both Kendra G and Touchtone did an incredible job as a team from 6p-10p. Allowing them to shine individually will give this station a huge injection. Since every urban station in Philly is slow at 10P we wanted to be different. We believe this move allows us to be hip, vibrant, young and fun; we are destined to raise the bar” .


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