Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop Artists Urged


    Support Ferguson: Hip-HopWhy now or why this particular cause, you may be asking.   Talib Kweli actually tweeted his 10 reasons why he needed to go to Ferguson, MO as he is slated to arrive in the city on Tuesday. These 10 reasons alone may inspire, encourage, or spark the brain of other hip-hop music artists to once again become a voice for the voiceless.READ TALIB’S SIMPLE YET POWERFUL REASONS BELOW FOR JOINING THE COMMUNITY IN FERGUSON. Click “NEXT” above or below to see the next number

    10. What would Malcolm do?

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    9. I could be next.

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    8. I have a son Mike Brown’s age. It could’ve been him.

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    7. I believe in love, compassion, the right to simply exits and due process for all.

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    6. Artists who make money off the community are obligated to be there when the community is being brutalized.

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    5. We need to show the community of Ferguson that we are willing to do more. We need to show them they don’t stand alone.

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    4. We need to direct attention from the very small amount of “looters” to the true community protestors. We need to take back the narrative

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    3. Mike Brown loved hip-hop music and wrote lyrics. He was a fan of hip-hop music. The hip-hop music community owes him.

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    2. People need to see that our leaders are more than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Al and Jesse cannot control the narrative for us.

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop

    1. Tweets that aren’t connected to a movement can lead one to falsely believe they’ve done enough. I need to put my money where my tweets are

    Support Ferguson: Hip-Hop 


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