Industry Vet, WZAK Radio Legend, Lynn Tolliver has Died

    Industry Vet, WZAK is sorry to report that after an ongoing battle with medical problems industry vet Lynn Tolliver died today. Tolliver put WZAK on the map with Zappis communications in the early 80s and 90s. He moved around after he left WZAK in the early 2000s.

    He had a successful track record at MCA records and ended up back in Cleveland, OH working for his own station in the eve of his career. While at ZAK, he did the shows Three’s Company and Just the Two of Us.

    He wrote, “I Need a Freak” and other songs and ended up winning a lawsuit against the Black Eyed Peas for alleged Copywrite infringement. Kanye West recently sampled “Ecstasy” another song that Lynn Tolliver wrote.

    Tolliver was a radio legend and he was instrumentals in so many people’s careers. He was brilliant and gave a lot to others and was described as a man who was way before his time.


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