Entire Police Force Quits after Black Woman Hired as Town Manager (video)


    A small town in N. Carolina called Kenly is up in arms over a Black woman that was hired as the Town Manager. This surprised residents that the police chief Josh Gibson, who has been in his position for 21 years, decided to call it quits along with the remainder of the force after a black woman, Justine Jones, described as a “progressive and responsible Town Manager” took office a little less than a month ago.

    The police chief who is white as well as the others who have resigned stated Jones has created a hostile work environment and they can’t work with her.

    Kenly Police Chief Josh Gibson reported on his Facebook page that “The new manager has created an environment I do not feel we can perform our duties and services to the community.” 

    It has also been noted that Jones sued a previous employer for gender and racial discrimination a few years ago and that is being cited as her being perceived as ‘hostile’ and creating a hostile work environment. Your thoughts?

    Entire Police Force


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