“600 Pound Life” Man’s Meal End Woes


    This situation is deeply unfortunate as this man can’t stop eating and weighs 625 pounds. He says the excitement of his entire day is ordering 3 meals a day which is enough for a family of 4 each. He is unable to cook for himself and admits that he is in a vicious cycle because he doesn’t like being in public because of the way people treat him and look at him but he can’t help but make it worse by isolating himself and blocking the world around him but staying home and eating. He also admits he doesn’t want to “feel” anything and he is depressed and eating prevents him from feeling. This is the same behavior that most addicts from various addictions describe. When he gets weight, after months of not being weighed he says he is happy that his weight is in the 625 range and not higher. Hi visits weight loss specialist Dr. Now for help in Houston, TX which is a city that is earmarked for the most severely obese people.



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