FULL AUDIO OF BILL CLINTON INTERVIEW ON “MAKE IT PLAIN” ON SIRIUS available at www.sirius.com/politicaltalk.


    On Friday, January 11 Bill Clinton talked to SIRIUS Left host Mark Thompson on Make it Plain to clarify comments he made that suggested Barack Obama’s presidential campaign was a “fairy tale.” Clinton also comments on Obama’s stance on the war on Iraq, how Hillary’s life has been shaped by the civil rights movement, what the Clintons want to say to the African-American voters of South Carolina, and much more.

    Make it Plain airs Monday – Friday from 5:00 – 8:00 pm ET exclusively on SIRIUS Left channel 146, SIRIUS’ liberal talk channel. On Make it Plain Thompson speaks passionately about political, social and economic issues from an African-American perspective, and welcomes listener call-in and a variety of guests.

    Select quotes from the interview below, please scroll down for more excerpts.

    BILL CLINTON: “This is what happens anytime anyone tries to question a statement or a position of Senator Obama, the response is ‘You’re attacking me personally’ and that relieves him of the obligation to address the substance. “

    “Number one, I brag on Barack Obama in every speech I give—every single one. I have given hundreds of speeches all over America and anybody who has heard me speak, or my wife, will tell you, I always start by bragging on Senator Obama and the other candidates as well. And I respect why many in the African-American community are supporting him and how proud they are of him.”


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