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Growth In Overall Music Purchases Exceeds 14%, Digital Music Accounts for 23% of Music Purchases
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Nielsen Music 2007 Year-End Music Industry Report
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Nielsen SoundScan, the entertainment industry’s data information system that tracks point-of-purchase sales of recorded music product, Nielsen BDS, the music industry’s leading music performance monitoring service, and Nielsen RingScan, which tracks mobile ringtone purchases, have announced their 2007 U.S. year-end sales and performance monitoring data for the 52-week period January 1, 2007 through December 30, 2007.
2007 Year End Factoids:
• Music purchases in 2007 reached 1.4 Billion, the third consecutive year music sales have exceeded 1 billion; 1.2 billion (2006) vs. 1 billion (2005) .
• Music sales exceeded 58.4 million in the final week of 2007, representing the biggest sales week in the history of Nielsen SoundScan. The previous record was Christmas week 2006 with 47.4 million music purchases.
Digital Factoids:
• More than 840 million digital tracks were purchased during 2007; an increase of 45% over 2006.
• Digital album sales reached the 50 million for 2007; up 53% over the previous year and accounted for 10% of total album sales compared to 5.5% in 2006. For complete info go here