Father Spared Death Penalty for Racially Biased Murder (Video)


    A case of child abuse and murder occurred in Hamilton County, OH, where Glen Bates was found guilty of starvation and of his 2-year-old , Glenara Bates.

    The toddler had been subjected to horrific abuse, including being swung at a wall and suffering from bruises, scars, burns, open sores, missing teeth, and bite and belt marks.

    Glenara weighed only 13 pounds when , and Bates was initially sentenced to death for his crimes. However, the Supreme later found that his was unfair due to from a juror.

    Bates eventually pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, felonious , and child endangering, receiving a 25-year prison sentence with credit for eight years served.

    Glenara’s mother, Andrea Bradley, also pleaded no contest and was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison. source


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