Fake Officer Arrested Again in Orange County, Florida (Video)


Jeremy Dewitt’s Background

41-year-old Jeremy Dewitt, owner of a company providing funeral escort services, has a history of related to impersonating a officer. Dewitt has been arrested multiple times and convicted once for this crime.

Recent Arrest Incident

Dewitt was arrested again when a deputy saw him carrying what appeared to be a firearm. The began with the deputy ordering Dewitt to step away from his motorcycle and go to his knees. Dewitt was taken into for openly carrying a firearm, which is illegal in .

Confrontation with Police

During the , Dewitt resisted the deputy’s attempts to remove his helmet for identification. He became agitated upon learning he was being arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, which he claimed was a pepper ball gun designed to look like a Glock.

Charges Dropped

At the , it was confirmed that the weapon was an unloaded pepper ball gun. As a result, the charges for carrying a concealed weapon were dropped, and Dewitt was released. However, due to this arrest, his current bond was initially revoked.

Court Appearance

Dewitt appeared before a to address the bond revocation. Despite the charges being dropped, Dewitt faces for impersonating a police officer. If convicted, he could receive a sentence of up to five years in prison.



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