-collects-check-from-customer-to-see-they-have-written-_none-nier_-in-the-tip-section-Mail-Online.jpg”>…according to Gawker and several others sites, the believe did.A nursing student working few days a week in a Nashville, Tennessee Red Lobster says was surprised when a couple in their 20′s wrote in the tip section of their receipt, “none n*gger.” 19-year old Toni Christina Jenkins posted a photo of the receipt to her Facebook page, writing, “This is what I got as a tip last night…so happy to live in the proud southern states..God Bless America, land of the free and home of the low class racists of Tennessee.” PLEASE SHARE THIS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE BECAUSE IT’S NOT ABOUT RACE…Several media outlets blame the young black waitress for forging the receipt but in all fairness, before we can conclude that, we’d not only need to see HER handwriting but we’d also need to see the other person at the table’s handwriting too. it also could be the same person since too since it’s in writing and cursive.