CFMR’s 2008 Ultimate Ad Spending Report


MediaPost has created an almanac that projects the full picture of ad spending in 2008. The 2008 Ad Spending Outlook will help you make smarter business decisions related to your planning needs. This useful resource gives you a clearer view of what the advertising future holds as you begin to plan next year’s business ventures. Editor Joe Mandese says, “The purpose of this report is to present a consolidated view of what the industry’s leading prognosticators anticipate over the next several months. Data was extracted from publicly available ad spending forecasts produced by the major ad agencies, financial institutions, economists, media observers, and government reports. They are presented as one unified document in order that you may compare, contrast and decide for yourself what is likely to come to pass for your organization and the advertising industry in general. Radio Struggles, But Shows Signs of Life Forecasters are predicting that online would surpass radio this year in terms of ad spending. However, some are saying that radio market is slowly picking up.


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