Netflix Good Movie Review: Stay Close

    Netflix Good Movie

    When Carlton Flynn vanis 17 years to the night after Stewart Green did, it sets off a chain reaction in the lives of people connected to both men.

    Starring: Cush Jumbo, James Nesbitt, Richard Armitage

    The other day a friend told me about a great series on Netflix called Stay Close. I decided to add it to our Netflix Good Movie reviews and I greatly enjoyed it.

    Initially, as I turned it on I realized it was episodic but also that it was from the UK I was turned off. Foreign movies can’t be very boring and not as well put together as American movies however this is an exception.

    It’s a thriller based on the Harlan Coben novel about a group of people living with dark secrets and lies and how about a stripper reinvents herself by leaving town and then having to come back where a lot of her old life is still there.

    There is a serial killer on the loose and is trying to resolve the mystery because it involves her and the murder of a good friend of hers. I don’t want to spoil the ending of the 8 part series but the shows are worth watching


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