YIKES: Phil Spector Sans Wiglet


    Filed Under: Goodbye to Hollywood…Now that he is a ward of the California state prison system, convicted producer/murderer Phil Spector has been forced to surrender his external physical attachments.  As seen in the below mug shot, the 69-year-old former superstar Hollywood music producer now looks like the manager of the local ACE Hardware store is Lubbuck, TX. Below the mug shot is a picture of one of the frightening wiglets that he wore during his criminal trials (the most recent of which ended in the music producer’s conviction for killing actress Lana Clarkson in February 2003). Spector, who was sentenced last month to 19 years in prison, was photographed after arriving last week at the North Kern State Prison Reception Center in Delano. [source]YIKES: Phil SpectorYIKES: Phil Spector


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