The Dream named Vice President of A&R at Def Jam


    The Dream namedWe are know The Dream for his songwriting, producing, and of course his own and now he will be able to use his talents in a different way. Yesterday it was announced that The-Dream has been named of A&R at Def Jam.In a , The-Dream explained that he feels he can help Def Jam during a time of in the music industry.”I committed as I have been previously to bringing the power of belief in the back to the forefront,” he said in a statement, as shown on RapRadar. “I share a unique view of an artist and as well as the business of music. I, with the help of many others, have ran a successful business for the last five years in the midst of the ‘Digital Change.”The Dream also went on to say…”My concentration and effort will be to the artist to succeed in their dreams and goals,” he explained. “I’ve been a part of watching and participating in the of many great women and men including , Rihanna, Jay-Z, , Mariah Carey, Celine Dion to name a few. Music means more than just a download, it’s to the culture and also the people who listen. This is a new exciting yet critical time for music ““ “ËœYou Meet Change with Change!”In his new and challenging role, The-Dream will seek and develop new talent for the label. He will also work with existing artists, overseeing their releases.


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