Sports Radio DJs Fired on air, Find out via Twitter (vid)


This is the reason that , Radio , PDs and radio should befriend the legitimate industry . We really DO know things BEFORE they do that could affect them. Chicago radio blogger Robert Feder broke the on about the Radio Station folding WHILE THE Radio DJS WERE ON THE . Tribune Media, of WGN, launched the area’s first radio Station in February. It just didn’t work and yesterday the news broke that The Game 87.7 was folding Hosts Alex Quigley and Ben Finfer are pissed and blame industry vet GM Jimmy de Castro for not having the courage to inform them. Listen to their reaction. Actually Finfer is more pissed but welcome to radio, it appears his ego is wounded. It has happened to the beast of us. He’s rambling and the Radio Station does note owe him an explanation. The people who are texting him are right, shut up and stop whining and finish the show. A potential NEW employer could be listening.[flowplayer id=”146685″] 


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