Where is a good PR person when you need one? (obviously not working with Raz B)
Over the holidays we went through a range of accusations and surprise (well maybe not surprise) over what allegedly has taken place in the Raz B camp. The latest? Raz has put out his new video which to say the least is, horrid. It looks like something that the Thriller video gave birth to then put it up for adoption. Raz is incredibly young (23 is it?) but his music career is done. That’s the problem with these young kiddie bands in the industry they are forced to grow up really quick and by the time they finally get to understand the game, they’re wad up. All is not lost for Raz B however… he is actually a PR person’s dream machine because he’s bold, not afraid to take chances and he has a level of sincerity and self esteem that most 23 year olds don’t have. They are too busy trying to be what others what them to be.
Raz playing a gay character with HIV on the now defunct Noah’s Arc series was very brave. There is no other black male and I mean NONE is his position in the industry that would have had the balls to do that. But there are MANY black males especially in his age range that are leading in HIV cases around the country… moreover, many claim to be straight. That’s a message that needs to be put out there, so a good PR person would have milked it. Had him speak at conferences, do magazine articles, work with drug companies for sponsorships and made him a (part time) advocate for HIV in the Black community and he still could have remained “straight” and been on his way to bigger and better things.
A good PR person would tell Raz, it’s time to move on from B2K, and all of it’s drama, but if he’s going to divulge being allegedly molested then here is another opportunity. Many urban stations from around the country (and you know this is my specialty) have emailed, called and told me how shocked they were at all the listeners who called in crying and telling about their own molestations. Raz was once again in a terrific position to go to a greater level with this cause. Had I been his PR person, I would have told him not to back down and would have IMMEDIATELY scheduled a dozen top magazine and blog interviews allowing a question and answer period. Raz would have then taken calls from listeners and he would have had a list of agencies and national organizations for them to call for help. Those organizations would have sponsored some sort of an ad campaign featuring Raz to go in magazines and blogs.
A GOOD PR person would have IMMEDIATELY set up a blog for Raz for child abuse victims. Lead-in videos about the blog would have been posted on You Tube directing people to the site for more information and to email and to talk to Raz directly. Raz would have a podcast set up that he would use on the blog as an avenue for experts, church leaders and victims to discuss the issue. The blog would have been sponsored by drug companies, organizations and advocacy groups.
…. OK, time to wake up, this was a PR opportunity that was wasted. Once Raz put out this video (below) he pretty much lost most of his credibility and Chris Stokes will continue doing what he’s been doing without a scratch to his reputation. We all know the truth but the opportunity to tell it might have just been blown.