Man Killed at Motel by Woman’s Boyfriend After Vandalizing Her Car


    A man was killed after he vandalized the car of the mother of his child. Before he was gunned down, Jackon Police Department (JPD) said the 42-year-old man sliced the tires and busted out the windows of his baby mama’s vehicle.

    The shooting occurred outside America’s Best Inn on Highway 80 in the early morning hours on Tuesday. According to police, Johnny McDonald, 42, was struck in the chest with a bullet. He was shot by the boyfriend of his child’s mother.

    McDonald was “confronted by a male, accusing him of damaging a vehicle during a prior incident at the same location,” said detectives in a second report to the media.

    McDonald made his way back to his vehicle “when the suspect followed, firing multiple shots.”

    Kentarrian Blanchard, 31, the shooter, turned himself in noted authorities. He is being charged with murder. The suspect will make his initial court appearance on September 28.

    Roderick Evans, 35, a second man who was with Blanchard, turned himself into police headquarters as well. However, a press release said he was released due to little evidence.


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