D.L. Hughley Speak About Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith: “You Have To Pick Leaders Who Are Moving Forward”


    D.L. Hughley Speak

    On this episode of The D.L. Hughley Show, DL speaks about Mississippi’s Senate candidate Cindy Hyde-Smith’s.

    Hyde-Smith is recently getting backlash about a “public hanging” joke. The joke was that if was invited to a public hanging, would be front row. With the state’s history of lynchings and the significant African-American population, the joke gained lots of criticism.D.L. Hughley goes into explaining that the state of Mississippi cannot move forward if the state keeps doing the same things with people who say the same things and have the same ideas.Hughley also puts the country into two different categories; the Jetsons and the Flintstones. He believes that the Flintstones have too much to say about where our country is going.Watch the video down below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ8M-ChJfio&t=68s


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