Blackburn Votes To Fully Repeal President Obama’s Jobs-Killing Health Care Law


    Blackburn Votes ToCongressman Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) today issued following statement on House passage of H.R. 6079, the Repeal of Obamacare Act.”The important step of any journey is the first step. By fully repealing Obamacare, we can give the American people what they want ““ the chance to start with a clean slate.”The ‘s failed are stifling the ability of small to grow and hire. Obamacare was a mistake and ‘ll keep fighting to repeal it until we get this law off the books.”House Republicans remain committed to working step-by-step to replace Obamacare with real solutions, such as my to help lower cost and increase choice by allowing for the purchase of insurance across state lines. These are the kind of sense ideas that we need to help American gain access to the coverage that best meets their health care needs.”Going forward we need to focus on 5 items – increasing choice and options; decreasing cost and mandates; simplifying the system for patients and providers; restoring the cuts Obamacare made to Medicare; and working to make health care tax-free.”


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