The high cost of (cake) inflates
If you EVER consider getting extra cake yeast, make sure you go to a BLACK MALE DOCTOR and tell him to please be reasonable and give you the ass that YOU want and not the ass HE wants to see. A black woman doctor might be jealous and give you lopsided crippled droopy glutes and any other race (besides Brazilians and Puerto Ricans) don’t know what an ass looks like, they will have you looking like a damn kangaroo. Obviously this woman went to a black male doctor but he gave her the discount 2-cakes-for-the-price-of-1 special. On those days when you want to have some fun with your cake inflates you can smack it up flip and rub it down, oh no. Here our model uses her cake units as a coffee table stand. This has got to be the strangest video I have ever seen. I honestly thought it was a substance they shot you up with not an actual ass piece.