Do you still listen to the radio? That is a question that I’ve been asking repeatedly for the past two years to various people that I know some I don’t know. Ironically, most of them say “no.”
No matter what age no matter where they live most say they have other things they listen to in their car which is where commercial radio would take the biggest hit. I’ve noticed that a lot of them listen to Spotify.
What happened to Black radio
For many years the site was about Black radio. We covered all subjects pertaining to it including people being promoted radio promotions and syndicated shows. For the most part, the syndicated shows always got the most views and shares and that’s not to say those views were that great either. I’ve noticed that most people have so many options for content now that once a radio show is off the air they don’t talk about segments that they have heard. There re too many other options to occupy their mind space thoughoutout the rest of the day.
Several years ago I wrote many articles pertaining to what I thought would be the demise of the appeal to commercial radio. It was all of the syndication and I was largely ignored and an army of one. I thought that black radio especially was oversaturated with syndication, especially in the morning slots.
I knew that that was going to cause an issue because of the way Radio works(ed). A person usually starts off a DJ and then works himself or herself up to The Morning Show. They can start off doing overnights and then they can move to evenings then they can move to middays, afternoon drive and morning drive from there they could become a Program Director for the past 20 years that rotation has halted because of syndication being in the morning slots.
There is now a shortage of DJs who want to work in the radio industry even though you’ll be told differently by people who work in the industry. Many don’t see much of a future but they have to remain positive. Many potential radio DJs gave up years ago especially considering that they could do the exact same thing on YouTube or have a podcast and acompltely eliminate th middleman.
Radio stations are in dire need to find new DJs wth many even going as far as looking at Podcasters to come and be on the radio. My question has always been what desire would a Podcaster have who is making his own money to work for a radio coporation and be on a corporate lea.
I never get a good answer when I asked that question. I retired from Radio in my 30s several years ago and have never missed it. I didn’t like the politics in the end inability to grow and after working for many black owned stations then working for a white station KKBT in LA and early 90s I realized I didn’t wanna do it anymore working for White on company testing her white chocolate treat it completely changed m if I had to go bac to working on Black radio. y mind because I saw it was like night and day there was much more opportunity and money working on the white side of Radio.
Syndication and radio
Syndication has been very good for black radio because it brings names and name recognition to the format like Steve Harvey morning show. No one ever say the Steve Harvey is a radio DJ but then you don’t need to be a radio DJ today all you have to do is have a name and be able to communicate with the audience DJs pretty much died out just like rock stations and shock jock. Now we just have to be a great communicator even if your speech is not 100%. And that’s fine because reaching people is ultimately what communicator still unfortunately this willRadio is at an impasse because they are missing out on the local aspect of Radio mini radio station website run news and gossip like many other website without paying much attention to what’s going on in their own community. That’s because a lot of the websites are corporate run and also it’s very difficult to find people who know Radio who also understand technology that’s not surprising considering many Jacksonville one trick pony’s and they don’t know technology as well as they should for the most part. Syndication it’s like a four hour ad on the radio stations stationsOr at least it was. The benefit was that radio stations will get the lf free and in turn would have a celebrity that’s a great benefit until some of this educator started asking the station to pay them the stations were doing well and not having to pay a jack to be in that spot but now the syndicated shows are doing better than a lot of their local lter they didn’t take the time to build a repertoire with the audience through a local shop that’s been the problem. It would appear that radio stations are going to be even more as indicated in the near future as one of two things I’m gonna have to go advertising or Jack’s chances are it’s probably gonna be advertisingNo just kidding almost for sure it’s gonna be the jacks which means that they will be more syndication and voice tracking from various markets.
Digital access and radio
To a large extend radio‘s biggest mistake was ignoring Tech and online access thinking that no one would ever leave radio. I’ve actually watch Podcasting coming to play as well as streaming and audiobooks and other forms of audio entertainment that can take place of regular including ones on playlist on their phones when they get in the car which is what most of the people I know do. We can find out everything we need in a matter of seconds online I don’t have to listen to an entire show and commercials and people talking to get to what we want to get we can fast forward videos online we can skip past audio that we don’t want to hearWe can skip past sections on the video we can skip audio and we can also go to the next chapter with an audiobook things we cannot do the commercial radio station or we can do is change the station.
And I was part most stations are held hostage by a system called ppm portable peoplemeter there’s a select group of people who have what are used to look like diapers walk run all day and this meter listens to what they listen to and that is how the stations are rated in various markets this means a lot of great music will never get played because most radio stations have to play it extremely safe by plane hit records only this is why you constantly hear the same songs over and over.
That used to be the number one complaint we got here at is like why does does Radio keep playing the same songs over and over again. I have to admit I haven’t heard that remark in over a year now because people have options I can create their own playlist so they have left for greener pastures and technology. We get a lot of emails and press saying that Radio is making a ton of money and they’re coming back will have a purpose but it’s going to be more central America than any place else the outskirts of the major cities are definitely using more electronic options to get their music and messages.
What is the future of Radio
If I was to guess what’s gonna happen with Radio I would venture to say that within the next year and a half two at the most it is going to be a side bar for most radio corporations instead of the main business I heart is already gotten a huge Headstart Odyssey has followed and Radio One is on the way as well they’re all looking at all the other things I can do an entertainment besides Radio which is really a smart move because Radio is no longer enough even my contact at the record labels have told me their focus is way beyond radio it is now one of the aspects inside of the behemoth are used to be. Radio music corporationEusse corporations are making millions of dollars a day with streaming alone Radio could never compete with that but if you call someone at Radio they would say well there a certain songs that don’t don’t do well with streaming they do well with radio that is true but at the end of the day point-and-click access means everything that means if I like a record I can buy it right away I don’t have to wait until I get home to look it up and then buy it. Of course Radio is going to defend itself it should but I think the future is going to be extremely challenging and Radio is going to be forced to be more entertaining and engaging than it is part of that is going to be rely more heavily on syndication to save money from Pang Jack’s all over the country. Country. I have no doubt that Radio will be more like their websites more focused on national issues the local than local issues.
Do you still listen to radio? I would love to know what your thoughts are on radio today. What are you listening your car going to or coming from work or whether you have shows that you like to listen to every day and tuna do you turn in online do you listen to apps or do you actually turn on your radio station. Video on your phone I have my own general consensus of my close friends and people that I know including family were discussing this issue but I’d like to know what your situation is.
Companies that get it
National public radio
More options
In conclusion