BET’s Hot Ghetto Mess Gets Name Change


    BET's Hot Ghetto

    This week, BET will be launching a new called WE GOT TO DO BETTER, a half-hour clip that, at its core, is pure social commentary.

    The show’s original title was HOT GHETTO MESS: WE GOT TO DO BETTER. We’ve decided to change the name because we want to highlight the show’s real intent, which is to offer social commentary in a context that sparks dialogue, debate, and most importantly, change.

    Additionally, the early misperceptions about the show and its title were diverting attention from the overall original we’ve begun implementing at BET Networks – which is to deliver smart, creative shows that explore the full range of the . Our 2007 slate is the most ambitious and diverse aggregation of Black programming in history, and it features a wide range of genres – from inspirational shows like EXALTED!, to animated comedy shows like BUFU, to family like SUNDAY BEST. As we move into the fall season and , you’ll continue to see the increase in the quality, quantity and breadth of shows that we have to offer at BET.


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