Karen Buse Joins BMI as Managing Director of European Society Relations


    Karen Buse JoinsBMI has a newly appointed Managing Director of European Society Relations – Karen Buse. Previously Buse held a distinguid 28-year as a PRS for executive and will be joining BMI effective immediately in this newly created .Her position will involve Buse working with European and global performing rights to maximize BMI’s international revenue, improve practices, and new growth in the changing European rights landscape. She will be based out of London and report to Ann Sweeney, Senior VP of International and Global Policy.Sweeney commented:“I have known and worked with Karen for many years and have always admired her depth of experience in collective rights management and her excellent throughout the global performing rights community.  We are thrilled to have her join our team, which will only further enhance our relationships with the many international sister societies that are so important to BMI.” Despite the major changes in Europe BMI is well positioned moving forward, recently breaking revenue records and generating $1.199 billion for the fiscal year ending 30. It additionally distributed a record $1.118 billion in royalties to its , composers, and publirs–9% higher than the previous year.


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