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YIKES: 25% of the people in New York have Herpes!!!!

YIKES: 25% of

Filed Under: Mass-Turb-Nation and Big Bowl of Grease

First they say 50% of Black teenage girls have HPV. Then they say while Blacks make up 13% of the US population 49% of all HIV cases are black people, NOW they say a large percentage of the 25% of Herpes cases in NY are… you guessed it… blacks. I just rented a space so that I can put my dick in storage. With 6 degrees of separation, is it safe to fook ANYONE anymore? Seriously, urban radio, why are we ignoring this potentially catastrophic issue? What the hell is wrong with us and our stations? Why must we be such slaves to the black church and its beliefs? If I was programming a station right now there would be drives every weekend.

The Department of Health released results of a survey Monday that show more than a quarter of adults in NeYork City are infected with thevirus that causes genital herpes. The survey found 26 percent of adult New Yorkers are infected, which is seven-percent higher than the national rate.

The incurable virus can cause painful sores, but the majority of those infected show no symptoms at all. The DOH says the virus makes those infected twice as likely to contract HIV. According to the study, within the city, herpes is more common in the female population — with 36 percent ofwomen having herpes, compared to 19 percent of all men. The disease is more common among blacks than Latinos or whites, and it’s also more common among gay men. The DOH is urging New Yorkers to use protection and take advantage of their sexually transmitted diseases clinics, which offer free and confidential herpes testing.

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