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Will Smith’s Path to Forgiveness: Steve Harvey Morning Show (VIDEO)

The Steve Harvey Morning Show said Will Smith would not be forgiven until he finds a way to “fix things” with Chris Rock. According to the Black Information Network, Dave Chappelle said Smith’s mask came off when he slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars this year, revealing something ugly within Smith. Chappelle said he hopes the mask stays off because people have forgotten who the real Smith is.

Smith reminded people that he was from the rough part of Philadelphia, said Chapelle. 10 minutes before receiving a huge award, he acted as if he was back on the rough side of Philly. Chappelle went on to say Smith played the persona of a perfect person for 30 years, and then he ripped that mask off “and showed us he was just as ugly as the rest of us.” Chapelle urged Smith to keep his mask off and be his real self, said Strawberry.

Both Chappelle and Rock joked about their attack, said Strawberry. Chappelle told Rock at least “You got slapped by someone with repute. I got slapped by a homeless guy with leaves in his hair.”

Steve Harvey said he understands Chappell’s comment about Will Smith because the “I Am Legend” actor had a brand. Even when he had just started as a rapper, he had an image of being “clean” with family-friendly hits such as “Parents Just Don’t Understand.”

Steve Harvey said everyone’s brand is flawed and is not perfect. He said he likes to reveal the real Harvey from time to time. He lets his real personality come through on the Steve Harvey morning show and in other outlets. Harvey said there was only so far he would allow a person to push him, and if an individual disrespects him in his face, he would correct that person.  

Will Smith has apologized and wants to make a comeback, which he should, said Harvey. However, the situation cannot be fixed until Smith finds a way to fix things with Rock. Steve gave the example of when he had an issue in 2015 with Miss Universe. He said he did not provide a statement until he had her on his show when he was able to apologize to the woman and her father.

The mistake Smith made in handling the Chris Rock situation was that he did not immediately apologize to Rock. He apologized to the Academy to save his job, said Harvey.
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