Will Smith is in quite a tether as he continues to try his best to get people to move past him slapping the DNA out of Chris Rock during the Oscars. He knows his reputation is tarnid and while he took a brief break from publicity for a while he’s back toting his new film Emancipation.
He is hoping that even if you don’t want to see him that you support his team, including director Antoine Fuqua who Will states did some of his best work ever with Emancipation along with a few other people that he mentions who he also says did their best work with this movie.
He says he hopes his actions don’t hurt the efforts of his team for the movie. Will has tried to clean up the debacle even offering an apology to Chris Rock but Chris wants nothing to do with him and refuses to have a conversation about the incident.
Looks like it’s going to be really hard for Will to live the slap down and the release of the film will indicate where his newly relegated star power resides. Do you think people are being too hard on him?