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PPM Spells Trouble for NY Urban Stations

If the results of Arbitron’s recent PPM rollout in NYC are in any way indicative of what urban radio can expect across the board, this could spell major problems for either PPM, urban radio or both. “These number could put us out of business” WBLS program director Vinny Brown told Media Daily News. The preliminary results of Arbitron’s system shows urban radio stations in the largest market plummet from the previous paper diaries. Wendy Williams failed to even register in the top 10. Several urban radio luminaries have complained about flaws in the new system, including glitches in certain demographics, typically the ones that are the most impressive for urban radio outlets. Houston and Philly were of great concern to Radio One’s Alfred Liggins who complained this past August about discrepancies in the system. Because the NY market is the magnanimous radio capitol, these numbers are of great concern to ALL urban radio stations. NABOB sent The Industry Dot Biz a press release yesterday (see below) and they are urging Arbitron to postpone its market rollout plan in new markets until it corrects “significant flaws” with the new PPM audience measurement methodology. Other urban heritage stations like Los Angeles’ KJLH seek to benefit from the new system. The Urban Adult Contemporary radio station that is owned by Stevie Wonder‘s Taxi Productions Inc., has signed a multi-year agreement for the Arbitron Portable People Meter ratings service. The NY rollout also affects Latino or Spanish radio stations in that market… Liberman Broadcasting–the largest privately held, minority-owned, Spanish-language broadcaster in the United States–nevertheless, has signed a five-year contract for Portable People Meter radio ratings services. The agreement covers 16 Spanish-language radio stations in three markets: Dallas, Houston and Los Angeles. There will be a press conference for the October PPM data today at 1:00PM Eastern Time. For more info, contact Jessica Benbow at 410-312-8363 or

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