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Only in Chicago: Activist Dreadhead Cowboy Rides Horse on Expressway to Bring About Change

When living in Chicago and working in this industry, I often receive questions like, “What is going on in your city?” Usually, when that question is asked, people are referring to the senseless gun violence that often makes national news. We recently spoke with Def Jam SVP of A&R, Tuo Clark about the violence in Chicago as he went for a drive through the city as he chatted with us on DARF TV. People think Chicago is a constant warzone; it is not, however it’s not roses either.

There are many people in the Windy City trying to do their part to bring about change. Yesterday, one activist had a different way of bringing attention to the true problem that exists in underserved communities. A man who goes by the name, “Dreadhead Cowboy” took his horse on the Dan Ryan expressway at 4:30 pm for a nice little trot. The cowboy, whose government name is Adam Hollingsworth, is known throughout the city however no one saw this coming except those who planned it. It worked to bring attention to the countless number of kids who are dying in the city due to senseless gun violence.

Hollingsworth and many other activists in the city are consistently working to bring about change and to help curb the violence in Chicago. Check out organizations like, Be The Miracle, My Block, My Hood, My City, and Cease Fire among the countless others.

Check out the video below.
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