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Minority Media Telecom Council Asks FCC to Suspend and Reevaluate EEO Rules

Created by AccuSoft Corp.

Minority Media TelecomThe president of the Minority Media and Telecom Council David Honig (pictured) wrote a scorching letter of disapproval to Hon. Julius Genachowski Chairman of the FCC requesting   suspension of the rules and restructuring, hiring and investigating corporations more intently for infractions. Honig points out that the purpose of the EEO (equal employment opportunity) rules are now working AGAINST those it was intended to protect.Honig states the FCC’s monitoring has been useless and infractions and violations are taking place by major industry corporations that are being ignored while minority organizations, who fulfill the EEO’s requirements hand s down for diversity are being targeted for outrageous minor infractions like improperly filling out paperwork. Honig goes on to request for a three month suspension of the broadcast EEO rule upon the passage of an entire year without EEO enforcement. Thus basically stating the broadcast and television industry has been free from any discriminatory practices and have ensured that the use of minorities and the resources to find them have been fair and balanced for 12 whole months. (LOL). Honig specifically states:

Read the entire PDF letter here > MMTC EEO SuspensionReq 062910…

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