Season one of IFIJS spoofs on domestic violence, drunk women, dirty old men, dancing old ladies, people in wheelchairs, Grace Jones and The God Father. “He Went To Gared” Vanessa loves the bling, bling and pretty things, but at what cost. “I’ll Have Another” Have a drink with Joan at the local neighborhood bar ‘ll be there. “Package Deal” Freddie Mack may have bitten off more than he can chew with his three and one package deal. “Elders Got Talent” Chloe laid the foundation for the true “Psychos Of Dance.” “Grace Jones Juice.” Get healthy with “Grace Jones Juice” it’s delicious. “The Grandmother” Always respect her and don’t forget to kiss her ring.
Humanity is where all people relate. LFP presents IFIJS a silly, sassy, sexy sketch comedy web series that spoofs on humanity.