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Learn How the Music Industry REALLY works in 30 Days for $10.00???


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Early Bird Special Just $10.00! Order Now

We get asked a LOT of questions all the time on our daily industry blog Radio Facts . Now we will answer the most common questions and you can get your year off to a great start. Stop wasting money on conferences, books and all the other ways that leave you frustrated. For just $10.00 we’ll post the answers to your questions with help from the true industry pros. Radio Facts does not play politics we give it to you straight no chaser. So if you want to spend YEARS of learning how the industry works the hard way, keep doing what you’re doing. If you want to save youself some time money and energy. Sign up now. Early Bird Special is $10.00. Once you sign up, you will be added to our list and you will get 1 valuable industry tip each day for 30 days. What have you got to lose…? For $10.00 we’ll save you THOUSANDS. Sign up now

[The tips and information will not be available on the Radio Facts blog]

kevRoss – President

Some of the Subjects we will cover:

* The Map to a Record Deal pt. 1 through 5

* The Map to a Production Deal pt. 1 through 5

* The 5 most common things that destroy your chances

* Surrounding yourself with the right people

* The art of “Beef” and using it wisely

* Maintaining the business end of your success

* Conferences you NEED to go to

* The Politics and Egos of the industry

* Who you should bring along and who you should leave behind

* Getting radio interested in your product

* Is radio the only route?

* Marketing your product

* Independent promoters. How they work

* Promoting your own product online

* Making the industry come to you

* How record labels will work in 2010

*Beyond the deal

Sign up now (below) after you sign up, you will start to get 1 email per day for 30 days with valuable music and entertainment industry tips. Questions? Contact

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