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Don Lemon Called "Uncle Tom" During Live Newscast in Carolina (vid)

Radio Facts: One thing that can truly be said about black folks, we are very keen. We can see past a lot of the rhetoric and politics and we know when something doesn’t feel right or we don’t like something and many times, we will point it out, which makes many people VERY uncomfortable as this woman does, in the wake of the horrific Church killings in South Carolina. She interrupts the newscast where the white reporter is talking to Don Lemon and she calls Don out “Are You Angry?” she asks, “Are you angry Don, Hello, Uncle Tom?”  The responses between the three of them are very revealing as the white (not sure of his name) reporter shoots her a look that says ‘Will you get lost, we’re trying to get the top ratings here by acting sad and sympathetic until the next tragedy happens?” The woman picks it up and shoots him a look with a sarcastic “Hello” that says, this is not about you, it’s about me and my race.’ Don looks like he is having a bowel movement during the report. The woman keeps going calling President Obama an Uncle Tom and asking Black people to start praying. I have to give it to Don and the other reporter, they remained very professional during the segment and they kept going. I warned Don about this when he started on the Tom Joyner Morning Show (TJMS) a couple of years ago…here.

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