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Chris Stokes/Raz-B Scandal Takes Turn for the Worse

Chris Stokes/Raz-B Scandal
Chris Stokes must have been working in OVERDRIVE to get his attorney’s to issue this statement (below) to various blogs and websites yesterday. He managed to get them but the damage had already been done. As the controversy becomes more widespread the latest statement sent out by Stokes (below) seems to be poorly advised by his council. In this statement, he ADMITS that it was him on the phone talking to Ricky Romance “I don’t do that anymore, that’s who I used to be….” in an effort to try to bring Romance up on charges of breaking a California penal code, which is indeed correct. (I lived in Cali for 14 years) Cali has one of the strictest privacy laws in the nation and what Romance did was illegal but it’s as if Chris shot himself in the foot in the process. I don’t know about the part “All of the foregoing places my client in a false light” What kind of a blank statement is that, if anything, it BRINGS to light the allegations. (There must have been something in that attorney’s Christmas Egg Nog). Stokes threatening to sue Romance and his brother Raz-B is weak, (statement made to the press by Stokes the day before this attorney statement was issued) everybody knows they are not wealthy and him admitting that he cut them off financially in that release did even MORE damage, why were former employees or acts still on the payroll after two years? I’m sorry, I’m not a judge nor a jury but I believe Raz B. Kind of surprised at Maques Houston nevertheless. This scandal has the potential to sting the entire Chris Stokes empire…. Also, there are some disturbing pictures and a story written two years ago about Stokes at the Inciting a Riot blog Below is the latest statement from Stoke’s attorney’s

“In the video entitled B2K Rape/Orgy Allegations by Raz-B – Part 2, Mr. Ricky Romance has, without the required consent of Mr. Stokes recorded their telephone conversation. California law prohibits telephone monitoring or recording, including the use of information obtained through interception unless all parties to the conversation consent (California Penal Code Sections 631 & 632).Violation is punishable by a fine of up to $2,500, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. As such, please remove this video. All of the foregoing places my client in a false light and is damaging to his reputation. The statements are malicious and made solely for the purpose of injuring my client’s reputation in the industry and for the personal gain of these former B2K group members. Mr. Stokes and Mr. Houston noticed that in one of the videos, Mr. Ricky Romance is wearing a shirt which prominently displays the words “LIKE DEATH.” In addition to some of his statements, Mr. Stokes and Mr. Houston perceive this message as a threat against their personal safety.”

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